Freemasons in Glamorgan, Masonic, Freemason Lodges Swansea

There are various Freemason Lodges In Glamorgan in South Wales, this page is to help you find the right masonic lodge for you. You can find lodges in all the major towns or cities of Glamorgan, including Glamorgan and Merthyr Tydfil.

Freemasonry has long been mistakenly seen as a secretive organisation and the anti-Masonic web sites, of which there are many; perpetuate a twisted view of the craft. Interestingly, there are a number of really secretive organisations. Some with questionable motives, but they are not attacked in the way Freemasonry is. But rather than dismiss their criticisms out of hand, they will be confronted, addressed and corrected.

Masonic & Freemason Lodges in Glamorgan

Some of the various freemason lodges in the Glamorgan & Swansea area.

North Glamorgan Lodge No:4055

Masonic Temple, Park Place, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan

North Glamorgan Lodge No: 4055 is one of a number of Freemasons Lodges operating out of the Masonic temple at Merthyr Tydfil.

Beaufort No 3834 in Swansea

Swansea Masonic Temple, St. Helen’s Road, Swansea, SA1 4DF

Lodge of Sincerity 8531 in Swansea

Masonic Hall, St Helens Road, Swansea

Consecrated 1973, small, friendly 4 times a year dinner jacket evening Lodge, approx 25 members + 20 visitors per meeting, meetings held second tuesday in January, March, May (election night) and November (installation night).

Old Barrians Lodge

Broad Street, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan

Old Barrians Lodge founded on 5th May 1948 by warrant from United Grand Lodge of England. Meet 2nd Friday of the month, months October through to April.

Where in Glamorgan?

There are various masonic lodges to join in Glamorgan including: The Vale of Glamorgan, Barry, Barry Island, and Merthyr Tydfil

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